Fairgreen Sod Farms and Moffett Forklifts, A Great Team

Atlas Polar is proud to do business with Fairgreen Sod Farms, a family–run company that strives not to be the biggest sod grower in Ontario, but simply one of the best.

How times have changed since the company started. Fairgreen began with one farm in the Markham area, but now grows sod on over 1,600 acres across 18 different farms. In the early days of the business, the act of harvesting sod was very labour–intensive. Because it was hand–cut and rolled onto trucks, a crew was able to harvest only about 3,500 rolls of sod per day, if conditions were good. Now, with mechanized harvesters, Fairgreen can harvest over 35,000 rolls of sod per day.

The company does more than just grow sod, of course. It offers everything needed for lawn care, including seed, top soil, triple mix, fertilizer, and their own garden blend of peat, manure, compost and mineral soil.

Fairgreen delivers its products across much of the GTA. As they note on their Website, their trucks “are equipped with turf tire forklifts which enable them to travel across lawns and driveways” so that bags of soil can be placed exactly where they are needed.

The forklifts they use are Moffett forklifts, available from Atlas Polar. Moffett forklifts are versatile and durable. They also have the highest resale value in the industry.

Fairgreen has discovered the flexibility and excellent performance in Moffett forklifts. To learn more yourself, visit our Moffett Truck Mounted Forklift page. To find out more about Fairgreen, or to read their very helpful lawn care tips, visit them at www.fairgreensod.com.