Every worksite has its own set of challenges, and terrain can be a big one. In Canada, rough and changing terrain can be one of the toughest obstacles to getting the job done quickly and safely. Not only does terrain vary dramatically – urban to rural, soil conditions, elevations and site-to-site, we also face extreme weather conditions, from rainfall to snow, ice and even tornados and hurricanes. Regardless, work goes on.
So, it’s all the more important to ensure that your delivery equipment is up to those challenges. And Moffett has been tackling those challenges since 1985 when it was the first truly all-wheel-drive truck-mounted forklift in the country. From pipes to pallets to girders, lumber to roofing supplies, long loads or short, heavy, or awkward, your materials need to get from the truck to the site. And the faster that can happen, the bigger the impact on your productivity.
Moffett’s all-wheel-drive delivers rugged performance that takes your materials over the curb and over the top of, or through, any terrain you can throw at it. It helps keep loads level and operators comfortable. What’s more, Moffett’s unique, patented innovations assure superior safety, smooth comfort and low maintenance. And profitability!
One person can mount and dismount a Moffett in under a minute. GroundStart® lets you raise the forklift off the transport chains without ever climbing on the forklift. And available 0emote GroundMount® lets you mount and dismount your Moffett forklift from the ground. These groundbreaking features are just two of the over-the-top innovations – like all-wheel-drive – that make your job easier on any terrain.
Work easier. Work safer. Work faster. It’s all-wheel drive, and all systems go with Moffett – the #1 truck-mounted forklift in Canada – for all kinds of reasons.