Moffett marked this past year with a big, round number under its hood as they celebrated over 90,000 Moffett truck-mounted forklifts rolling off the assembly line.
The number one selling truck-mounted forklift globally and in Canada, it’s a number that further cements that position – a magnificent achievement and an industry landmark. Then again, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to us. Moffett forklifts have been the Canadian Industry Standard since we introduced them here in 1988, and as each year passes, Moffett applies their knowledge and expertise to continue to evolve.
Moffett innovations have always led the way, starting with the first all-wheel drive truck-mounted forklift. They introduced patented Lift Assist® arms for Moffett Pantograph reach models for the only true same-side unloading. Moffett Lift Assist® arms do not rely on the mast butting against the truck or trailer, keeping loads and machinery more stable.
They introduced NX models – rugged workhorses – bringing a slew of features designed to make businesses more profitable, operators more comfortable and equipment operation safer for everyone. A refined design made everyday inspections faster, easier, lighter, and more robust. NX features improved visibility and made more room for operators. A new multi-function hydraulic valve system made them faster, easier to operate, more fuel efficient and more economical. Long-lasting LED work lights made it easier to deliver at any hour, and a grid and block heater warmed up cold weather deliveries.
GroundStart® was added as a standard feature – a push-button start that gets you going anywhere quickly without climbing on the forklift. Available GroundMount™ enhances safety and makes it even easier for operators to mount or dismount their Moffett truck-mounted forklift with a point-and-click remote – one more action that takes under a minute for a Moffett.
And the new, almost-silent, zero-emission, 100 percent all-electric Moffett e-Series truck-mounted forklifts are again pioneering a new way of doing things. These models are setting a new standard helping customers do the same with more flexible, sustainable deliveries. These machines have proven themselves in crash tests, been tested in our harsh Canadian climate and recognized with multiple industry awards – and they are rolling into Atlas Polar Canada dealers this fall!!
We’re confident you’d best count quickly, and that Moffett will soon be rolling over another zero to that big round number. 100,000 Moffetts, here we come!